This week was another great week. It ended with 9 hours of training for the second consecutive week. The highlight of the week though was the swimming milestone I hit where I was able to swim for 2000m without stopping. It was just a week ago that I swam for 1500m without stopping so hitting 2000m just one week later was great. I really wasn’t expecting to hit that until nearer the end of the year.
I ran for 18 miles again, doing 3 days of 6 miles each. I will continue to stick to that level and will probably only jump to 20-21 miles at the beginning of December.
This week I only managed to bike 2 days. Last week Tuesday I started my ride but my headlight failed after a few minutes and wouldn’t come on. I had to abandon that ride and I only ended up doing 2 rides for the week including a 2-hr, 32-mile ride on Sunday
I managed to join a local cycling club, Lone Star Cyclists and they do Tue/Thu rides and a longer Sat ride. I can’t do the Tue/Thu rides with them as they do it in the evenings and I need to swim then, but the long Saturday rides are perfect. It will help with monotony of riding alone, allow me to explore new routes, and to be a bit safer as I’ll be in a group. I plan to try my first ride with them on Saturday November 10. They would have multiple groups for each ride covering different distances and different paces. I will end up riding with the faster/longer group but for my first ride, I’ll probably go with a middle-of-the-pack group.
Goals for Next Week: After doing two weeks of 9-hrs, I plan to make this week a recovery week as I’ll be in FL and that always impacts my training. I’ll also be swimming in a small hotel pool. So, I will aim for 3 days of 45-mins of swimming, 2 days of running and a 2 days of cycling including a group club ride on Saturday