This week was a recovery week, but it sure didn’t feel like it. Thursday was supposed to be an easy 1hr ride but I just felt so drained, I only managed 30 mins. That is typical of how my Thursday’s feel, but I didn’t expect that on a recovery week.
The good thing is by the weekend I had a couple good workouts. The Friday rest day really helped. I ran 10 miles on Saturday and felt great for 9.5 of those miles. For the last 5 mins or so, everything was hurting….hips, glutes etc. I picked up the pace slightly which helped engage different muscles and felt a little better. After the run, I was out whole day at my son’s Destination Imagination event, not getting home until around 9pm. The day involved a lot of walking which didn’t allow me to rest and recover as much as I would typically do on a weekend.
Sunday was a long day. I started off by doing some scuba diving in a pool. It wasn’t really strenuous, but I had to get up early and so didn’t get as much rest or sleep as I would on a weekend. I still did my 2:15 hr long ride and that too felt good. I took 3 gels with me but didn’t actually eat any of them. Not sure if that was good or bad, but I didn’t bonk or anything.

This weekend I thought I actually had 8 weeks left to my event, but after rechecking, I realize it’s only 7 weeks away. It is approaching FAST!